Ask Car Throttle

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
From Koenigsegg's incredible 0-400-0kmh run to the reveal of the Nissan Leaf Nismo, last week had plenty of talking points!
09 Oct 2017
How Has A Car Saved Your Life Or Helped You Out Of A Really Rough Patch?
While looking through our YouTube archives, I stumbled across a video we shot of a man whose car helped him fight and beat cancer. So I wondered, do you have a story to share too?
11 Oct 2016
Which Toy Car Inspired You To Be A Petrolhead As A Kid?
In our latest community question, we asked you which model car started your car obsession when you were younger. Here were your nostalgic answers...
24 Aug 2016
The Most Stupid Things You've Done With A Car
We've all done dumb things in and around our cars, and we've sorted out the best of the epic fails that you guys submitted
24 Aug 2016
If You Could Chat To Your Car, This Is What You'd Say To It
We recently asked you what you'd chat to your car about if, for 30 magical seconds, it came alive and could communicate with you. These were your brilliant, albeit worrying responses...
14 Apr 2016
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